Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year's Resolutions - Let's make it happen!

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a happy and healthful 2009, and are now looking forward to the next decade of your life! How exciting is this? 2010! Thanks to Hollywood movies, 2010 felt like only a dream. Well, now that we're here, what are you going to do about it?? :)

That's right. I'm talking about YOUR resolution for 2010 and beyond.

The tradition of New Year's Day resolutions dates back to the early Babylonians. They believed that what a person does on the first day of the new year will affect what they do throughout the year. Statistics show that almost 97% of New Year's Resolutions are never fulfilled. Even so, some 40 to 45 percent do use New Year's Day to make resolutions and set goals.

While many may eventually ditch their resolutions, statistics show that setting goals is valuable. Research shows that 75 percent do make it past the first week; 46 percent make it past the six-month mark. Overall, those who make a meaningful resolution are more likely to achieve their goal than those who make no commitment at all.

Among the top new years resolutions: lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking and/or a commitment to resolve other health issues. These are GREAT! But, more often than not, year after year, we lose the enthusiasm and desire to continue...simply put, we fizzle out.

Let's STOP THE MADNESS and make the commitment to ourselves STICK IT OUT this time!! Yes, there's a difference between wishing for something to happen, vs. making a commitment. Wishing is passive, commitment is active. You need to get out there and DO IT! You are in charge of your life. You are in charge of Making it Happen! CHANGE! Change NOW!

Here are some helpful tips in making a positive change in your life:
  • Aim for a specific goal. The more specific the commitment, the better.
  • Be realistic. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
  • Visualize it - let yourself imagine how you would look and feel achieving your goal - bask in the dream. :) This vision will be a very effective way to help pull you through the inevitable "dark times", and difficulties that you will face in making the change.
  • Keep track of your results! Don't allow yourself to be discouraged. Visual or impactful changes will not happen overnight. These things take time. As long as you keep a journal of where you started, and what you're doing, I promise you will "see" results along the way!
  • Take Care of yourself (don't go it alone). Resolutions are commitments towards a positive end result. This means you will be giving up some things along the way (dieting, smoking, time in exercise, etc.). Don't forget to take care of you, first - whether it be with a support group, or friends and family to encourage and motivate you in this process. Treat yourself to a prize now and then -'s o.k.! Purchase those pair of jeans you always wanted, but just couldn't squeeze into yet. Make those jeans your "goal", your personal "finish line".

At Home Fitness, we don't want you to lose sight of your New Year's resolution. We want to help you achieve your goals. You will encounter "bumps" along the way, but use these 'bumps' to your advantage. What tries to break us, only makes us stronger, right? Take the opportunity to make your goal more specific - like allowing Home Fitness into your living room 3 times a week, or foregoing extra cable channels for 6 months. (How many are there now? over 1000??!! You don't need them! But, you DO need your health!)

Allow us to help you set realistic goals. Through nutrition classes and personal fitness training, we'll help you visualize your better and healthier self. We'll keep track of your results, and give you attention and support along the way, so the doling out rewards is all up to you! How does that sound?! :)

Don't wait! Act now...
From today through the end of the month, we have a $99 Special which includes a personal fitness assessment and 3 personal fitness training sessions for you and a friend! A $280 value, all for just $99! You can't beat that! It's an inexpensive way for you to make the first move towards the rest of your life.

Make that New Year's resolution stick this year! Beat out the odds. You'll thank yourself in the long run.


Your Home Fitness Team

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