Friday, October 9, 2009

It Is What It Is - So now what?

From the words of Nike: Just Do It! - We'll even reward you for it!

The economic state of our country is turning around - you may not see it right now, but it's on a slow and steady incline. However, since it's initial decline, Americans have had a tendency to "bunker down", or stay at home more to be with family. They are working more, going out less, skipping meals, or skimping on their grocery lists, cancelling monthly dues to their favorite gym, taking road trips, and are more sedentary than usual. During these stressful times, we tend to neglect the one person who needs us most...Ourselves. How can we be expected to take care of others, or our work, or our home, if we ourselves are not fueled? The economy isn't going to change tomorrow...It is what it is. But, you can. You can take control of your life once again and still be within the comforts of your own home, near family and friends.

At Home Fitness, we make fitness fit. We make it fit in your schedule, we make it fit to your budget, and we make it work for you. Weight loss is a journey that very few can go alone and succeed. If your focus is clouded with the way things are, you won't get very far. If your focus is clear, your path is bright. To get going again, avoiding the pot holes in the road is a challenge left to those with incredible will.

At Home Fitness, we understand what you have been going through, and understand the will power and determination it takes to get back up. We will be with you every step of the way until you reach YOUR goal!

Starting this Sunday, we will be offering a free day of fitness! You'll need to create an account, or sign in if you're an existing member at When you're finished registering, click on the fun, interactive video, and enter the coupon code: FREEFIT to receive your free workout on us!

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