Sunday, October 18, 2009

Burning 'to-do' Chores

Do you feel as if you have no time to commit to some cardio? Do not despair! You actually burn calories without even thinking about it everyday doing household activities. provides information on how you can stay trim and on task at home.
A person who weighs 140 pounds can lose up to 159 calories doing auto repairs for 30 minutes. So, working on that carburetor can help you lose those carbs you ingested for lunch.
If auto mechanics tend to steer you in the wrong direction, try sweeping the floor. A person of the same build can brush away 143 calories by using the old broom and dust pan for 30 minutes.
Ironing can get you looking steamy! Remove wrinkles and calories by ironing for 30 minutes and you can lose up to 73 calories. You’ll be smoothing out a smaller pants size in no time.
Trim away fat while trimming the hedges. Using a power cutter for 30 minutes can snip away 111 calories. Although all of these chores are adequate forms of exercise when pressed for time, checking them off of your to-do list should not be your only form of training. Remember, you want to sculpt your body at home, not turn into a homebody

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