Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Saying Goodbye to those Sunny Rays and Chubby Days

As we say goodbye to flip-flops, beach bags and the glorious aroma of sunscreen, we should also take this time to bid adieu to the summer beer belly that has accumulated from numerous grill outs and ice cream trips. Enjoy your last few weeks of summer with these sizzling workouts.
Swim: A person who weighs 150 pounds and swims freestyle at a leisurely pace for 30 minutes burns 257 calories, according to dietandfitnesstoday.com.
Swimming protects your joints, because it is a no-ground contact sport, and is even advised by the Arthritis Foundation, says medicinenet.com. Plus, swimming is a lifelong activity that you can do with friends and family, medicinenet.com acknowledges.
Badminton: Grab your birdie and your racquet because playing a social singles or doubles match of badminton results in losing 165 calories for a person who weighs 150 pounds, claims dietandfitnesstoday.com.
Badminton-information.com says that badminton strengthens the heart muscles and prevents the clogging of blood vessels. Remember, it is not whether you win or lose, but how many calories you lose.
Hiking: Aaaah! The great outdoors! There is nothing better than observing the wonders of nature while constantly blowing your nose because of your pollen allergies.
For those of you who can forgo the tissues, you may want to consider ending your summer with an adventurous hike, as hiking for 30 minutes can result in burning 220 calories for a person tipping the scale towards 150 pounds – says dietandfitnesstoday.com. Hiking is a great way to distress and clear your mind, without having to clear your wallet.
The sublime summer whether is not going to stick around forever, but unless you put some pep in that step and end your summer with a strong, active approach, that beer belly will. So, put down the brat and grab your friends for an active day of fun and exercise. You’ll be ready for the next bikini season in no time.

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